the Space
amir's Living Space
what i’m on about right now
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Artefacts (2025)
1.lost Angeles
2.Kintsukuroi (with.ReubenBenjafield)
3.Lullaby (with.DanOxley)
4.JJ’s Wonder (with.ChenZhe&BeixiLi)
5.First Transmission from Planet Shgmerb (with.MaxPowerJinks)
6.Clocktower (with.GeorgiaChampion)
7.53.4818933 (with.RuiLong)
8.-2.2526190 (with.RuiLong)
9.Omelas (with.DanOxley)
Released 26 February 2025
a collection of solo guitar + live effects manipulations
produced by
engineered by & DanOxley
graphic design by erienne young
July 2024: i’m working on a new EP. (Last update: the EP was cancelled)
recent inspirations:
Peruvian psychedelic cumbia
Moroccan gnawa music, especially
this instrument - the guimbri
lo-fi hard trance (“sextrance”)
and hexd
Hakushi Hasegawa new album - hypermaximalist j-pop
tape loops and sample-based sound collages:
Felvidek is a really cool game with a great soundtrack
lilien rosarian
Läuten der Seele
new BAP. single !!
more soundtracks:
Carl Stone
things i made: Jan - Jun 2024
just this chord progression
drone collage take 3
solo live setup proof of concept
Playlist - Moss Memories
June 2024
EP - Start Here (2024)
noise music
the term is an oxymoron — a dadaist joke
music = sculpting in space and time
textures, indeterminacy, music you can touch
kareem soenharjo drum covers
+ noise effects
this record is somehow not pure noise, not “noise rock”, but perfectly suspended in between
John Cage on Silence
John Cage Discusses Fluxus, 1992
Mingus-type hollering jazz cacophony + noisy
supposedly solo piano @ Cafe OTO 2009
Fluxus Manifesto, 1995
noise rock
noise pop
Merzbow on improvisation
art pop and sound design
what makes a song catchy is like what makes a joke funny
catchy is not just about melodies. any aspect of music can be catchy
resampling, delays, granulators, resonators, texture mode warping