
Artefacts (2025)

1.lost Angeles

2.Kintsukuroi (with.ReubenBenjafield)
3.Lullaby (with.DanOxley)
4.JJ’s Wonder (with.ChenZhe&BeixiLi)
5.First Transmission from Planet Shgmerb (with.MaxPowerJinks)
6.Clocktower (with.GeorgiaChampion)
7.53.4818933 (with.RuiLong)
8.-2.2526190 (with.RuiLong)
9.Omelas (with.DanOxley)

Released 26 February 2025

a collection of solo guitar + live effects manipulations

produced by
engineered by & DanOxley
graphic design by erienne young

second single from my upcoming album "Artefacts"

jim (rui long) was the only person I played with for the album who didn’t tune his guitar; he just picked it up and started playing. We recorded ourselves improvising for about an hour. this single consists of two selected sections from that recording. - SP404
Rui Long - Electric guitar

released December 30, 2024

first single from my upcoming album "Artefacts"

this was the first recording we did for the project. 15 minutes into improvising we stumbled upon this pattern and kept going for another 11 minutes, which ended up becoming this piece. i've been exploring the idea of playing effects as an instrument -- mostly with my SP404 sampler. - SP404
Reuben Benjafield - Electric guitar

released December 16, 2024

Throwaway single from a now-abandoned project. in this one i recorded one piano take and then assigned different ranges of notes on the keyboard to different instruments. it's called peanut soup

music by me
cover art by Yudhistira G. S.
mix and master by Dan Oxley

released October 19, 2024

Throwaway single from a now-abandoned project. Inspired by gnawa music from Morocco. i tried to make something you can dance to

music by me
cover art by Yudhistira G. S.
mix & master by Dan Oxley

released October 4, 2024

Start Here - EP

this whole project was very spontaneous and DIY, i picked up a bunch of new skills, musically and otherwise. it's kind of a proof-of-concept of how i want to approach making music. i'm a drummer by background, i don't play guitar, i barely play piano, i don't know any music theory. i just love and listen to a lot of music and i've always wanted to make some of my own and kind of believe i should be able to do it anyway despite my limitations. these constraints have actually been a blessing because i've been able to approach learning in a naive and open-ended way. i learned that i don't like "composing", i don't like painstakingly sequencing parts on a DAW, i just like to "be playing" in the moment. so everything in here is me playing some cool sounds or notes i discovered and playing again over that, again and again, until it feels like a finished piece. i like these textures and the tracks in this compilation feels somewhat cohesive enough to be in the same record. anyway thanks if you read this far and enjoy

released June 11, 2024